perform subsystem中文什么意思

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  1. Subsequently , systematically introduces a cost control system of knit which is designed by the author independently and is adopted by knit . the system is based on the process of performing of abcm which is reconstructed in part one , and is composed of two basal subsystems , three performing subsystems and two sustaining subsystems . the former include organizational structure subsystem and institution subsystem


  1. perform service 什么意思
  2. perform shendao 什么意思
  3. perform simulation 什么意思
  4. perform six figures 什么意思
  5. perform statement 什么意思
  6. perform such a dance 什么意思
  7. perform surgery, to 什么意思
  8. perform the debt obligation to 什么意思
  9. perform the duty earnestly 什么意思
  10. perform the function 什么意思


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